The best surf locations in Canary Islands

The best surf locations in Canary Islands

Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria are three of over seven islands that make up the Canary Islands. Located 100km off the Moroccan coastline these volcanic islands are commonly referred to by European surfers as the Hawaii of Europe, thanks to the winter sunshine and tempartures in excess of 27c together with the long range groundswells of the North Atlantic.
As islands, it is possible to find a wide range of surf on any given day, thanks to the diverse coastline. From sandy beaches offering the perfect venue to learn to surf, to fast breaking waves on flt volcanic reefs. These volcanic islands rise out of the bottom of the ocean, and strike into the skies. Creating a very interesting landscape full of hidden coves, sand dunes, mountains, caves and lagoons.

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